Tank trailers

Trailer Landing Gear
A tank trailer is used for transporting fluids, like fuel, food stuff or hazardous goods. Loading and unloading normally will be done with a pump. By installing lightweight products like aluminium wheels and the LT ALU LEG the trailer weight is reduced as much as possible, which means more fluids can be loaded. An example of a well known tank trailer builder who installs our product is since 15 years is
Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeugwerke GmbH
See what our clients say about us
Since 2004 this product is produced by Centre Components in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. During the past years many large and small transport companies have used the LT ALU LEG to reduce their trailer weight.
We have supplied tens of thousands of lightweight aluminium drop legs to almost every well-known trailer builder in Europe and often far beyond. Regularly the products for retrofitting are ordered directly by trailer owners on our webshop or from the well-known wholesalers around Europe.
We have more than 10 Langendorf tipper trailers with LT ALU LEG support legs. We use our trailers in gravel mines and for agriculture.
We like the aluminium LT ALU LEGs very much because they are lightweight, easy to operate and do not require any maintenance.

We use the product since many years. The combination of a robust design and weight savings is very convincing.

We use the LT ALU LEG because for us, every kilo counts.

Several trailers are equipped with LT ALU LEG support legs, mainly due to the weight savings.